Day 17: Something I'm Looking Forward To

I look forward to a lot of things!

I look forward to not being so tired that I start crying at random moments [like today].

I look forward to days when I don't have to wake up to an alarm clock. They are rare jewels in the treasure box of my life.

I look forward to buying a house and having my own place! (Keep praying for that tomorrow!)

I really look forward to being done with B's Feast, and 20th century theory.

But there are two things that come up in my hopes more often than others. One you can probably guess - I really look forward to falling in love, for keeps. The real thing, the one I can lean on and support in return forever. The one whose arms will always be there for me to fall into on days like today.

The other is adventure. I LOVE adventures. I've had a life pretty full of them, what with moving to a foreign country at 18. I mentioned my love of playing, and I mentioned my sense of hope as I leave each day. One of those hopes is that, though when I left home my day was ordinary, somewhere along the way I will get swept up on an unexpected adventure. Often times this is difficult because of schedules like work and school. But there are times when the challenge is worth breaking the commitment, or times when everything lines up just right and you're free.

I love to seize those moments and run with them.

I heard a song today, and though I don't know what the rest of the song is about, a few lines stuck out to me. I don't want to run from anything uncomfortable, and then something about making memories of chances taken and hope embraced. Carpe diem. I want my life to be extraordinary.

I want to do new things, to have fun, to explore, to dare. I want to run and laugh and leap. I want to do something that might scare me a little, but the adventure is so worth facing the fears. I want to shrug off the ordinary for a while and be wild. It doesn't have to be extreme - it can be as simple as taking off your shoes and racing across campus. It could be driving off somewhere unknown with a kite and a picnic basket. It could be flinging myself out of an airplane, or spending a week on a boat, or finding a place to pick blackberries in the woods, or making a new friend. It could be climbing a mountain in the middle of the night with a close friend and a guitar, or walking through the forest in the rain and silence alone.

I look forward to a break from the ordinary, a chance to feel alive and free and young. Adventures turn into shining moments of memory, the ones that make you smile just by thinking about them.

And I can't wait for the next one.


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