Day 14: A Picture of Myself Last Year and How I Have Changed
Because I'm me, I can never just pick one picture. So here are two!
This is me all gussied up for the 2010 spring banquet at Southwestern College/Arizona Christian University.
I've changed a lot in the last year. Physically, for sure - I'm in much better shape now, and almost 30 lbs lighter than I was! Yay hiking!
My hair has changed colors a couple times - though not nearly as frequently as the year previous. Someday it will get back to natural and stay that way...maybe. :)
This is me and my lovely friend Amy - right after we finally became friends - almost exactly a year ago. :)
This time last year, I was going through a very bad breakup. Still not being sure who all reads this, I'm going to generalize and say you probably know all about it. If you don't...well, it was rough. It messed me up pretty bad for a long time. In some ways, I'm still not fully recovered from it, and from some of the psychological and emotional abuse that came with it. But like the wonderful Sarah Evans song, I got a little bit stronger and now I'm where I am - sooo over him.
I no longer live in an apartment with my wonderful roommate - instead, I'm house-hunting to buy my own home. WOO grown up!!
I have a new car since then. I only have one (and a half) job instead of 4. I have double the number of students I had before.
I have added another cat to my ... collection? That doesn't sound right. But when I move I will be taking both Dallas and Fiyero with me. Dad says I have to take Eli too...we'll see about that. (have I mentioned that being single has put me well on the path to being the crazy cat lady? reason #32 why I need to get married.)
Last year, I was at SWC/ACU, then PVCC, now I'm at ASU. Lots of changes there. No change in major or plans, though.
I've moved from being used to hearing about everyone I know getting married to hearing about everyone I know having babies. How much it bothers me fluctuates, but I'm usually doing alright. Also, ASU has offered me a lot more single friends, which is fabulous.
I've made some mistakes in the last year. And because of those, I've gotten to learn afresh about God's grace and forgiveness, His healing power and the way He can cleanse me from my sins. Romans 4:7-8
I think the biggest changes in me are how I spend my time and who I spend it with. I do a lot more homework now than I've ever done I also spend a lot more of it in Amadeus driving to school/work/the far ends of the earth. Sometimes I think I may go insane.
And while I still love my old friends, I have all these wonderful new friends. Maybe it's because so many of them are single and so we find more time to hang out. Married people - especially married people with kids - are hard to pin down! Part of it is also that the side of town I spend my time on has shifted to be a bit more ASU-centric. Several of these close new friends are LDS, which has thrown my brain into overdrive on a more or less permanent basis.
I've been doing musical sudoku all night, my brain is fried. But I didn't want to skip another day of blogging, so here I am on what is technically tomorrow. Sleep....
Oh yeah, my time management abilities have deteriorated in the last year, thank you ASU.
Yeah...time to go to sleep. This probably is incomplete, but it'll do.
Gute nacht, alle!

I've changed a lot in the last year. Physically, for sure - I'm in much better shape now, and almost 30 lbs lighter than I was! Yay hiking!
My hair has changed colors a couple times - though not nearly as frequently as the year previous. Someday it will get back to natural and stay that way...maybe. :)

This time last year, I was going through a very bad breakup. Still not being sure who all reads this, I'm going to generalize and say you probably know all about it. If you don't...well, it was rough. It messed me up pretty bad for a long time. In some ways, I'm still not fully recovered from it, and from some of the psychological and emotional abuse that came with it. But like the wonderful Sarah Evans song, I got a little bit stronger and now I'm where I am - sooo over him.
I no longer live in an apartment with my wonderful roommate - instead, I'm house-hunting to buy my own home. WOO grown up!!
I have a new car since then. I only have one (and a half) job instead of 4. I have double the number of students I had before.
I have added another cat to my ... collection? That doesn't sound right. But when I move I will be taking both Dallas and Fiyero with me. Dad says I have to take Eli too...we'll see about that. (have I mentioned that being single has put me well on the path to being the crazy cat lady? reason #32 why I need to get married.)
Last year, I was at SWC/ACU, then PVCC, now I'm at ASU. Lots of changes there. No change in major or plans, though.
I've moved from being used to hearing about everyone I know getting married to hearing about everyone I know having babies. How much it bothers me fluctuates, but I'm usually doing alright. Also, ASU has offered me a lot more single friends, which is fabulous.
I've made some mistakes in the last year. And because of those, I've gotten to learn afresh about God's grace and forgiveness, His healing power and the way He can cleanse me from my sins. Romans 4:7-8
I think the biggest changes in me are how I spend my time and who I spend it with. I do a lot more homework now than I've ever done I also spend a lot more of it in Amadeus driving to school/work/the far ends of the earth. Sometimes I think I may go insane.
And while I still love my old friends, I have all these wonderful new friends. Maybe it's because so many of them are single and so we find more time to hang out. Married people - especially married people with kids - are hard to pin down! Part of it is also that the side of town I spend my time on has shifted to be a bit more ASU-centric. Several of these close new friends are LDS, which has thrown my brain into overdrive on a more or less permanent basis.
I've been doing musical sudoku all night, my brain is fried. But I didn't want to skip another day of blogging, so here I am on what is technically tomorrow. Sleep....
Oh yeah, my time management abilities have deteriorated in the last year, thank you ASU.
Yeah...time to go to sleep. This probably is incomplete, but it'll do.
Gute nacht, alle!
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