Day 27: An Original Photo of the City I Live In

Two things before I get to the picture.

1) OVERJOYED NERD MOMENT! Filming for the Hobbit has begun!!!!!! My first two thoughts when watching this were "12 years ago?!?!?" and "Wow, Peter Jackson is almost unrecognizable." BUT I'M SO EXCITED!!

2) I feel like I have an entourage. Every time I come home, Fiyero and Dallas (my two of the four felines that live in my house) are waiting outside my car door by the time I'm ready to open it, and they walk with me inside. If I open the door again about 30 seconds later, Eli will be there - he's always a little bit slow.

Alright, original picture of my city.
As usual, I had several different choices to cycle through. Should I do a cool aerial view from one of my flights? Or a panoramic view from the top of North Mountain, or a deserty view with the city in the distance from the Sonoran Reserve? As I was clicking through them all, I liked most of them, and then I found this one and went "ooooooooh!" So this one it shall be!

I took this picture on the runway when I got home from visiting my grandparents in Michigan last summer. It captures several iconic things about Phoenix.
- an overwhelming impression of heat and dryness
- our pathetically small excuse for a "downtown"
- the hazily visible mountains in the distance
- the most wonderful place on earth for great sunsets

I tend to hate Phoenix when I'm here and love it when I'm gone. No place on earth (that I've been) compares for sunsets, and it's true that the city has it's own unique beauty - usually the farther away you are from the actual city!


  1. so true! i always am glad to come home after i leave. :)


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