Her Hee! [updated]
update is just that the ending is slightly altered with the addition of another picture. Continue reading as you were. :)
I love laughter, and boys, and friends - and especially all three at the same time.
I went out to The Sugar Bowl after a dress rehearsal for our last ASU choir concert this semester (which you should totally come to - tomorrow night!!). At first, it was a whole lot of boys (Marc, Michael, Drew, J.D., Austin, Tom, Zach, and Galen) and me. Wheeee! A whole crowd of handsome, singing men all to myself, mwa ha ha. Then Kendra came and I was rescued from drowning in testosterone. Then Kira came, and life got even more fun!
Fabulous fun. Wonderful people. My face hurts still - an hour+ later - from so much laughter. Several people had never heard me her hee before, so that became a target. There were many jokes, some synopsisizing, food stealing (and subsequent plate licking), and -
No, I have to share that, because it's too funny not to, though at the end, it's probably a "you had to be there" thing. At least I warn you now, so you can skip it if you want.
As I was sitting in my corner, eating my sandwich (cause all I'd had was a granola bar [or 3] all day and I needed real food before ice cream!), suddenly my napkin was being insistently held over my face. Puzzled, I sat there, and when it came off, lo and behold! my plate was vanishéd. Then I saw Marc eating my chips across the table, and my plate came from the lap of someone next to me. A little timid to eat food that had been passed who knows quite where beneath the table, I took my plate back, but as I'd eaten most of it before, all that was left was crust, extra lettuce, and some chips. To my mild surprise, the chips then began to vanish into various male mouths, as did the rye crusts. To my intense surprise, the lettuce soon followed. And to my shock and je ne sais quois but something akin to mild disgust and feigned horror, my plate was then thoroughly licked.
Anyways, great friends and raucous laughter and ice cream and conversation - what more does one really want out of life sometimes?
These folk are a lot of fun (this is most of the guys).

After Kendra got there, though, Drew definitely had the best seat in the house! Must be just cause he's the perpetual birthday boy.
I love laughter, and boys, and friends - and especially all three at the same time.
I went out to The Sugar Bowl after a dress rehearsal for our last ASU choir concert this semester (which you should totally come to - tomorrow night!!). At first, it was a whole lot of boys (Marc, Michael, Drew, J.D., Austin, Tom, Zach, and Galen) and me. Wheeee! A whole crowd of handsome, singing men all to myself, mwa ha ha. Then Kendra came and I was rescued from drowning in testosterone. Then Kira came, and life got even more fun!
Fabulous fun. Wonderful people. My face hurts still - an hour+ later - from so much laughter. Several people had never heard me her hee before, so that became a target. There were many jokes, some synopsisizing, food stealing (and subsequent plate licking), and -
No, I have to share that, because it's too funny not to, though at the end, it's probably a "you had to be there" thing. At least I warn you now, so you can skip it if you want.
As I was sitting in my corner, eating my sandwich (cause all I'd had was a granola bar [or 3] all day and I needed real food before ice cream!), suddenly my napkin was being insistently held over my face. Puzzled, I sat there, and when it came off, lo and behold! my plate was vanishéd. Then I saw Marc eating my chips across the table, and my plate came from the lap of someone next to me. A little timid to eat food that had been passed who knows quite where beneath the table, I took my plate back, but as I'd eaten most of it before, all that was left was crust, extra lettuce, and some chips. To my mild surprise, the chips then began to vanish into various male mouths, as did the rye crusts. To my intense surprise, the lettuce soon followed. And to my shock and je ne sais quois but something akin to mild disgust and feigned horror, my plate was then thoroughly licked.
Anyways, great friends and raucous laughter and ice cream and conversation - what more does one really want out of life sometimes?
These folk are a lot of fun (this is most of the guys).
After Kendra got there, though, Drew definitely had the best seat in the house! Must be just cause he's the perpetual birthday boy.

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