Day 30: A Picture of Myself on This Day and Five Good Things That Have Happened Since I Started the Challenge

The last day has come!

I cheesily stood around smiling in my backyard this morning just to get a picture for this post. Then tonight my indecisiveness kicked in and I didn't know which to pick! I think that's been the most prevalent theme in all these posts. For simplicity's sake, I went with the first one I took. (the more I took, the stranger the faces I began making)
Thar Ah is, on ma parch. For those of you who don't speak goofball, how have you put up with me this long?

Five Good Things That Have Happened Since I Started the Challenge

1. I put in an offer on a house, and the Seller accepted it! Though I may wait a small eternity to hear back from the bank about the short sale, this is such a good thing!

2. I have managed to become much better friends with Rebekah, and it so nice to have a "soul-friend." Our friendship is so refreshing. When we talk, I hear the words of my own heart echoed back to me much clearer than I could ever articulate them. She understands me, and I her, in such a way that our friendship has been more or less instantaneous. If that was the only thing I gained from this semester, it would be worth it.

3. I've managed to make other friends, too! As the new kid in school yet again, this was a big fear for me. The first few weeks I talked to like two people, too shy overwhelmed to be myself and open up to people. I met a bunch of people over spring break (right before I started this challenge) and have been rewarded by how much some of those friendships have grown in the last month. Go figure, right as things seem to be going the best, school is gonna be out and I won't see them all every day!

4. I passed a theory test and a few sight singing/dictation tests. Prior to 20th century theory, this would be commonplace - now it is cause for REJOICING!

5. I officially under-grew my size 6 pants. O.o Not that I obsess over weight or size, but I've been working to get healthy by hiking and eating right and whatnot and apparently it has worked. Woah. A yearish ago, I was in a size 9 to 11. I don't think I ever thought I'd wear a size 4? Can that be right?! What??? I have to go shopping again. Oh darn. :P

And for your amusement, one of the latter pictures I took this morning.
Please do come back and continue reading, posting will no longer be quite so formulaic now that I have to get to come up with my own topics again. :)

Ooh! I know I posted this already, but I had to add a sixth good thing that happened. My friend Brooke started a blog and paid me a very high compliment with it, so I have to share cause I'm all giddy about it. :)


  1. :D I'm number 2! I'm so honored.

    I am also having problem number 5.

  2. <3 new friends! and that last picture of you! too cute!

  3. ermahgersh! Ders ers fantersterk!


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