Day 12: Something I Don't Leave the House Without

Breathing seems overrated...until you can't. You never think about how (sniff) wonderful it is to never think about breathing until it's all (snifff) you can focus on because it's so difficult. I love my (sniff) friends and my students, and I (sniff) love when they share things with me - cupcakes, hugs, stuff like that - but I do NOT like when they share their (snifffffff) germs! Blech.

Anyhoo, most of the things I don't leave without will be mentioned in a later post - something about the contents of my purse. So it would probably be safe to answer "my purse," but that's sooo generic. And not always true! Usually, but not always.

I don't leave my house without hope.

I'm an optimist by nature - I love to find silver linings and infect others with my (sometimes obnoxious) bubbly joy. Thus, even on days when I feel down and miserable, or lonely, or grumpy, and especially on days when I'm already in high spirits, I leave my house with hope.

It's not a very defined hope, it's just the vague hope that something today will bring unexpected delight.

Very often this is the hope that, just like all those darn movies, I will drop my books at school and some kind gentleman will stoop to pick them up for me, be captivated by my smile, ask me to lunch, and turn out to be my Prince Charming. Perhaps instead he will walk by my practice room and be captivated by my musical abilities and [repeat the rest of the steps].

I almost always hope that I'll get to work and all my students will show up, have practiced, enjoy their lesson and remember my name. I'll settle just for the showing up part!

Perhaps I would trip over a huge wad of money or win the lottery. Or at least get back-pay for a month of lessons.

Maybe I would understand 20th century theory.

I hope it will be super windy, and someone will have a kite, and I will have time to fly a kite with them!

Sometimes, the hope is that I would get to eat something delicious - and free.

Or there could be a thunderstorm!

Most often it probably has to do with unexpectedly having someone fall in [reciprocated] love with me. What can I say.

In general, though, it's just a sense that today is a new day, anything can go right! I continually hope that by walking out of my door today, I will increase my chances of finding genuine delight in something extraordinary inside my day.


  1. Can you imagine how beautiful the world would be if everyone remembered to take this out the door with them?


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