Day 22: The Contents of My Purse
Mmm...graham crackers with frosting are so delicious!!
I would love to not carry a purse - to be unencumbered by a bag constantly hanging from my shoulder, prone to falling off and being forgotten. However, I live life on the go and always need to have everything with me, so a purse is rather a necessity. Let us then examine what is apparently necessary to be with me at all times (or at least today)...
1. Mini-wallet/card case, holding all my ids, money, gift cards, bank cards, and other flat, important things.
2. Regular wallet, holding other money, change, concert attendance cards and odds and ends that don't fit in the mini case. Considering how rarely I open this, I sometimes question why I have it.
3. Pencil holder, replete with pens, pencils, highlighters, extra lead, a mini stapler, earplugs, treble cleff shaped paper clips, and erasers.
4. flash drive
5. two sticks of chapstick - one regular, one cherry. and one tube of mint lipgloss.
6. keys. Lots and lots of keys.
7. my clicker for music history
8. day planner
9. cell phone
10. allergy meds
11. zinc lozenges and ricola drops
12. a kazoo
13. ice breaker mints and one starlight peppermint (no mentos?!?!)
14. real estate listing for the house I put an offer on (!!!!!!)
15. hawaii coconut lotion
16. ibuprofen/other meds
17. empty baggie from my lunch (walnuts, tomatoes, and cheese)
18. id badge/fingerprint clearance/lanyard for my internship
19. sunglasses
20. letters from friends! (put into purse on the way from the mailbox)
21. invitation to the Mesa Temple's Easter pageant
I would love to not carry a purse - to be unencumbered by a bag constantly hanging from my shoulder, prone to falling off and being forgotten. However, I live life on the go and always need to have everything with me, so a purse is rather a necessity. Let us then examine what is apparently necessary to be with me at all times (or at least today)...
2. Regular wallet, holding other money, change, concert attendance cards and odds and ends that don't fit in the mini case. Considering how rarely I open this, I sometimes question why I have it.
3. Pencil holder, replete with pens, pencils, highlighters, extra lead, a mini stapler, earplugs, treble cleff shaped paper clips, and erasers.
4. flash drive
5. two sticks of chapstick - one regular, one cherry. and one tube of mint lipgloss.
6. keys. Lots and lots of keys.
7. my clicker for music history
8. day planner
9. cell phone
10. allergy meds
11. zinc lozenges and ricola drops
12. a kazoo
13. ice breaker mints and one starlight peppermint (no mentos?!?!)
14. real estate listing for the house I put an offer on (!!!!!!)
15. hawaii coconut lotion
16. ibuprofen/other meds
17. empty baggie from my lunch (walnuts, tomatoes, and cheese)
18. id badge/fingerprint clearance/lanyard for my internship
19. sunglasses
20. letters from friends! (put into purse on the way from the mailbox)
21. invitation to the Mesa Temple's Easter pageant
Your purse is hereby dubbed The Bag of Wonder.