Day 26: My Dream Wedding

This post may be brief since I need to go to bed!

Today has been filled with fun: Abby's 4th birthday, holding Micah, hott date with Ashley, and a Broadway Singalong party with friends and cool new people. I think that's my theme for this year - making new friends. I LOVE IT.

Anyways, my dream wedding...oh, how much I have thought about this!

However, rather than boring you with color schemes (I can think of about six) or venues and favor ideas and who knows what all else, I'll just sum up the things that are really important to me.

The groom is the most important, currently unknown as he may be. I have all kinds of hopes for him, but mostly that he is a strong man who will lead me closer to God through our life together and who will protect me and love me as best he can.

There will be a wonderful photographer so that I have tons of great pictures to remember every single detail by. Currently hoping that will be Daniel Kim, as I don't think I've seen a picture of his that I don't like. I know there are others out there, but he's got something special.

Our reception will be a blast, and everyone will dance and laugh and enjoy. It's a PARTY to celebrate a really exciting day of my life and I want everyone to enjoy it. I'm going to do my darndest to plan it so well that everyone is up and dancing and having fun.

I will have a princess dress. The latest incarnation of my dream dress is this one, hastily photoshopped by my sister. Chances are my mind will change six million more times, but hey, this one is pretty to look at!!

There will be flowers, too. I love flowers. What kind will depend on the color scheme, but like I said, I won't go into the many possible iterations.

There will be fantastic music - hopefully live, as I have so many musician friends hungry for work. :) A lot of it will be Disney love songs, just cause it's me. And Broadway. And swing. And country. And jazz. And...the music will be great, we'll leave it at that.

All in all, I know it's just a day, but it's gonna be a great day. I want the end result to be something like what Taryn said after hers. "I wish I could get married every day! the same guy, of course." I want it to be enjoyable by all, a celebration of starting the rest of my life with my beloved other half.

If you ever do want to hear about my many actual detailed ideas, feel free to ask. Typical girly me would love to share!


  1. I LOVE this!!! haha reminds me of the many times we have talked about our weddings, that are nowhere in sight soon lol. I love you twin! And your prince will come someday and he will be AMAZING!!! And he has to go through me ;)


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