Day 21: All-Time Favorite Picture of Myself and Why
This one was difficult! Do you know how many pictures of myself I have?
Waaaaay more than any normal person, we'll leave it at that.
I love to take pictures, and I love to have my picture taken, and I occasionally do some modeling for photographers. All that combined means I havea ton of too many pictures of myself, and I like a lot of them!
I was thinking through ones I loved and started noticing a trend.
"Aww, this one is with my Bekah and Rachel! They were so cute. This should be it cause they're such a huge part of my heart. Or maybe the one with them and the Thompson kids and the Lindly kids and Seth with the beanie babies on my head..."
"Oooh, what about this one, with Jonathan and Sean? It was so great to see them the night they got back! Or the one of me and Nellie when she surprised me?"
"This one of me and the guys from this weekend is pretty cool, all smiling and laughing with our Butterbeer. Or one from our day trip to Old Town Gilbert! Something with all of us."
"Duh, it has to be one with Larissa, she's my twin! But wait...maybe one with me, Rissa, Elisabeth and Seth? Or a camping one with all four families!"
"Maybe it should be a tree group picture, possibly a high school and reunion one. Man, I miss them."
"I have some really cute ones from girls' night with all my SWC music girls! Or from choir tour in our snuggies!"
I wasn't focusing on the "me" in the pictures. I realized I love these pictures because of who was in them with me. That's what makes them special! It's a moment in time with friends frozen, a laugh or a pose or a memory captured forever, to be treasured. And there's no way I could pick just one with so many wonderful people so dear to me!
And let's face it, it's impossible for me to pick just one of anything.
So I limited it to pictures just of me, and found these two that I think sum me up quite nicely. They're scans of old photos, so forgive the diminutive size and blurriness.

I'm off somewhere quiet and green, listening to the sound of the creek, deeply absorbed in my book. My favorite memories come from camping trips and from the worlds I discover within the pages of my books. It's the best combination of escapes I can imagine. Once again it's not me in these pictures that I love, but what I got to enjoy - a snapshot memory of a happy time.
Waaaaay more than any normal person, we'll leave it at that.
I love to take pictures, and I love to have my picture taken, and I occasionally do some modeling for photographers. All that combined means I have
I was thinking through ones I loved and started noticing a trend.
"Aww, this one is with my Bekah and Rachel! They were so cute. This should be it cause they're such a huge part of my heart. Or maybe the one with them and the Thompson kids and the Lindly kids and Seth with the beanie babies on my head..."
"Oooh, what about this one, with Jonathan and Sean? It was so great to see them the night they got back! Or the one of me and Nellie when she surprised me?"
"This one of me and the guys from this weekend is pretty cool, all smiling and laughing with our Butterbeer. Or one from our day trip to Old Town Gilbert! Something with all of us."
"Duh, it has to be one with Larissa, she's my twin! But wait...maybe one with me, Rissa, Elisabeth and Seth? Or a camping one with all four families!"
"Maybe it should be a tree group picture, possibly a high school and reunion one. Man, I miss them."
"I have some really cute ones from girls' night with all my SWC music girls! Or from choir tour in our snuggies!"
I wasn't focusing on the "me" in the pictures. I realized I love these pictures because of who was in them with me. That's what makes them special! It's a moment in time with friends frozen, a laugh or a pose or a memory captured forever, to be treasured. And there's no way I could pick just one with so many wonderful people so dear to me!
And let's face it, it's impossible for me to pick just one of anything.
So I limited it to pictures just of me, and found these two that I think sum me up quite nicely. They're scans of old photos, so forgive the diminutive size and blurriness.

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