Day 19: Something I Miss
I miss the Festaburg so very, very much.
Part of making new friends means I get to tell my story a lot, and so I've gotten to dig through a lot of old memories recently. As much as being an Aupair is what got me to Germany, the heart of the story is the Festaburg. Brad and Debbie took me in and loved me.
I miss playing chess with Brad, even though I only managed to win like four times (and that may be padding it a bit). I miss watching him slaughter everyone in ping pong in the basement. I miss his laughter and his wisdom and his unique way of looking at the world. I miss his guidance. I miss the way he makes us all think about questions we often overlook. I miss his readings, and I miss sitting down to eat grilled cheese sandwiches with chips and salsa for lunch.
I miss Debbie's hugs. I miss her delightful balance of keeping everything in order and still finding an afternoon to just play nertz or watch a movie with some popcorn. (not to mention her tolerance of my popcorn addiction!) I miss her big white kitchen and learning her wonderful cooking secrets. I miss her smile and energy and happiness, and her willingness to listen. I miss grocery shopping with her, and sharing that moment that the kitchen is all set up and food is ready and no one is there yet - the calm before the storm.
I miss Sam, but not his ticks. I still have the "tick" candle holder (it's really a vague sort of frog) that Brad got me for my birthday to commemorate my disgust with ticks. I do miss walking him up into the forest in the evenings and running back to the house, or chasing him with Justin and trying to get him to go to the right.
I miss hiking to the castle on Sunday afternoons and singing hymns with Gordon on the top floor - back when you could get up there. I miss sharing my little bunk room with Nellie at the top of the stairs. I miss the smell of the house after mopping the entryway. I miss playing endless rounds of MarioKart in the basement, and falling asleep on the couches under the fleece blankets during movie night.
I miss playing volleyball until it gets dark at midnight in the summer. I miss the drive to base. I miss trips to Trier and Mainz, especially by train, and spontaneous trips to France. I miss Christmas salad. I miss Bible study nights and discussions that last all weekend. I miss everyone rolling out of bed just in time to leave for chapel on Sunday mornings.
I miss the friendships, and spending all week looking forward to getting to share my weekend with such wonderful friends. I miss sitting on the balcony with a cup of tea and a friend, watching the rain fall over the hills, sitting in companionable silence or deep in discussion. I miss snowball fights during castle hikes, or at rest stops, or in the van. (ahem, Gordon)
I want so badly to go back to the happiest place on earth. So much of my heart has been left there, I long to go back and visit the pieces.
Brad and Debbie, I love you!

I miss playing chess with Brad, even though I only managed to win like four times (and that may be padding it a bit). I miss watching him slaughter everyone in ping pong in the basement. I miss his laughter and his wisdom and his unique way of looking at the world. I miss his guidance. I miss the way he makes us all think about questions we often overlook. I miss his readings, and I miss sitting down to eat grilled cheese sandwiches with chips and salsa for lunch.
I miss Debbie's hugs. I miss her delightful balance of keeping everything in order and still finding an afternoon to just play nertz or watch a movie with some popcorn. (not to mention her tolerance of my popcorn addiction!) I miss her big white kitchen and learning her wonderful cooking secrets. I miss her smile and energy and happiness, and her willingness to listen. I miss grocery shopping with her, and sharing that moment that the kitchen is all set up and food is ready and no one is there yet - the calm before the storm.
I miss Sam, but not his ticks. I still have the "tick" candle holder (it's really a vague sort of frog) that Brad got me for my birthday to commemorate my disgust with ticks. I do miss walking him up into the forest in the evenings and running back to the house, or chasing him with Justin and trying to get him to go to the right.
I miss hiking to the castle on Sunday afternoons and singing hymns with Gordon on the top floor - back when you could get up there. I miss sharing my little bunk room with Nellie at the top of the stairs. I miss the smell of the house after mopping the entryway. I miss playing endless rounds of MarioKart in the basement, and falling asleep on the couches under the fleece blankets during movie night.
I miss playing volleyball until it gets dark at midnight in the summer. I miss the drive to base. I miss trips to Trier and Mainz, especially by train, and spontaneous trips to France. I miss Christmas salad. I miss Bible study nights and discussions that last all weekend. I miss everyone rolling out of bed just in time to leave for chapel on Sunday mornings.
I miss the friendships, and spending all week looking forward to getting to share my weekend with such wonderful friends. I miss sitting on the balcony with a cup of tea and a friend, watching the rain fall over the hills, sitting in companionable silence or deep in discussion. I miss snowball fights during castle hikes, or at rest stops, or in the van. (ahem, Gordon)
I want so badly to go back to the happiest place on earth. So much of my heart has been left there, I long to go back and visit the pieces.

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